Feed Weekly #159

Feed weekly juni 17, 2022

It's a full week since... last week, and here we are with another edition of collectible links to things we found useful and/or inspiring since last.

Reading list

  • By adding a Laravel backend to a Remix app, this developer stopped worrying and fell in love with PHP.
  • Scrum is falling out of fashion, fading into the sea of oblivion if you will. So is this writers invoice for this years license. Here's The Pragmatic Engineer to tell you all about it.
  • As a rule, this space isn't for our own projects. But an exception to the rule might be justified when national media makes our work current news. This NRK article reviews the National Museum Exhibition we've been working on, a first-ever digital exhibition highlighting design on screens.

Design of the week (a blurry world)

It's funny (and sometimes humbling) how we all sit in our own parts of the world, with fairly long sighted design processes and somehow converge with the zeitgeist on small details anyway. The usage of blurrs might be one of these signs of the times.

  • Suska Bastian, a German artist and working with sculptures and installations has a fresh site up which complements the work exceedingly well.
  • Adidas has gone all blurr on this new lookbook.
  • In the world of UI though, sticking with what's proven to work is the best starting point. You have to know the rules in order to break the rules, right? This Component Encyclopedia from Storybook is a great place to start.

Tech of the week

  • We're not done with our DALL-E rants white yet. Here's Huggin Face' speedy tool to get you going, just tell it anything and hit Go.
  • While not at all shocked to learn that AI generated materials are biased, what might be surprising is how extremely biased it is, after years of debates on the subject. We have a loooooooooong way to go.
  • Sanity, a jet packed rising star in the world of content platforms, is heading towards v3. Check out this read on the developer preview.
  • Making our jobs easier still, here's react-cmdk, a command palette for React.
  • Spend 6 minutes on contemplating if HTML is a programming language. Yeah, lit.
  • Not just claiming to cut our work 1/10, but also make things 10x better, we're soon looking at gaining time when spending time. Interval claims to be everything we need to go from script to internal app.
  • If you thought that was crazy, Dynaboard is promising 10x speed gains on a full stack on-stop-shop web app tool.
  • Web Push, or the notification request button many tend to dismiss might finally be making a proper case to be part our digital lives once again. Deeply integrated in WebKit, it's ready to claim the few uninterrupted moments you've just gained after reading about everything that makes your job more efficient.
  • Hey, how about some Serverless Postgres built for the cloud? Click the link then.
  • So when we create some problems, we have to create some solutions too. Having added many new tools to our team's workbench this week, we need to manage it a bit and remove some friction points with DX.