Feed Weekly #175

Feed weekly november 04, 2022

Make. internet. now. Here's two weeks worth of links to things we found useful and/or interesting.

Reading list

  • The Web's Next Transition, no less, courtesy of Epic Web Dev.
  • Oh Sourcetype, source of so much more than type. If there's anything the world needs now, it's to focus on the fact that there's an official OK day. While March 23 is almost too far away to even take for granted, gear up for it by reading a brief history of OK.
  • Jenni Nadler has an insightful article about the art of writing error messages.
  • "The bird is freed" tweets Elon Musk, now owner-CEO-CFO-Policy Chief at Twitter, after taking over and kicking out said people from to level management.
  • Here's some opinions from garden3d on why traditional agencies aren't primed to do great work.
  • Gardener, a small tech studio in Brooklyn, NYC, is posting a yearly review on state of affairs at Gardener, outlining challenges, profit and loss, the work, trends and shifts in a very transparent manner. Delve into the 2021 Perennial Report.

Design of the week

Bad Bonn. That's the only legible thing this writer is able to say about this page. Looks good though!

ECAL Typefaces has a beautiful page showcasing it's beautiful fonts.

Shuffle will enable you to create Tailwind templates in minutes. Minutes, people. That leaves time for coffee before the billable hour is up.

Yes, this is where colour matching is at! Thank you Randoma11y.

Directing your gaze to the Biff typeface over at Lineto.

Belgian music is breaking the internet these days, so why not check out this wavy and deliciously coloured page from Sky H1.

Illustration.lol, simply put, is a massive catalogue celebrating illustrations, or rather marks. Nice!

Tech of the week

  • First link