Feed Weekly #177

Feed weekly november 18, 2022

A collection of links to things we found useful and/or interesting in the week that flew by like a fart in the winter breeze.

Reading list

  • As Elon is asking devs to commit to 'hardcore' work, starry eyed future CEO of a non-existent app took out tons of ads in national media asking for devs to build his dream app in one day. This app is going to have absolute market penetration, counting 2B more users than there are people on the planet. None of this seems to be a joke. This thread in Norwegian is a fun journey through it all.
  • Can a web site have a lower carbon footprint? Designer Victor Hwang shows the way.

Design of the week

AriZona invites you to design your own can. But we don't want their design to change.

Mona Sans – two variable open source fonts presented like a celebrity packed A movie straight out of Hollywood. We're lining up along the proverbial red carpet.

Nike has a history with their inability to fail, and we're excited to see what they'll be able to do with their virtual creations. The home for said creations is going live later today, so keep those F5's ringing.

Backyard is a modular piece of housing you can stuff right in your... back yard.

Tech of the week

While Notion is any customisers' dream, AI is about to add some magic to the mix. The alpha release will let you write faster, think bigger, and augment creativity. The Verge has this nice write up on it too, and we'll ask it to write this very blog post soon!

A long running tradition at the house is to track tools that promises to make the chores of our livelihood more efficient. How about this though, PlanetScale Boost gives you 1.000x faster application queries in just a few clicks. Let's go.