Weekly Feed #154

Feed weekly mai 13, 2022

Big up to Petter for still claiming he follows this roundup of links we found useful and/or interesting.

Reading list

  • Since it's startup in 2017, reMarkable has sold more than 1 Million devices and raised money at a valuation of $1 billion. We're excited about this, because they're right up the street from us and we get to walk by and keep dreaming of making it in tech from our little corner of the world.
  • Dennis Nerush points out that while MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is all good in theory, they still tend to take a lot of time (money) to get to a point where they yield the desired insights. Enter the "Fake door" theory, the MVP before the MVP.
  • A breach at an IT supplier of map and real estate information left everyone who owns anything in Norway exposed. So we're all waiting for our identities to be utilised in some mischievous way. Link in Norwegian.

Design of the week

  • Config, the annual Figma global design conference, reveals a slew of updates that should get most designers excited.
  • New identity alert, Norsk Helsenett
  • Our intrepid font watchers would like to point your attention to Roboto, Google's most popular font, now available as a variable font.

Tech of the week

  • Cloudflare just posted a few updates worth mentioning. D1 is an SQL database, a first for Cloudflare. Pub/Sub provides Programmable MQTT-based Messaging, and a new community group for web-interoperable JavaScript runtimes in collaboration with Vercel and Shopify amongst many more.
  • Ben Johnson, BoltDB creator, is here to tell you about an affair with Server-Side SQLite.

'Til next week, Petter