Weekly Feed #156

Feed weekly mai 27, 2022

A squeezed day as it may be, we're here looking over the links to things we found interesting and/or useful.

Reading list

Design of the week

  • Hey, how about splurging on a plugin that bolds the first few letters of every word? There's more science to it, surely, but still hard to refrain from a Shark Tank attitude on this one. Bionic Reading is here with a productified and highly licensable onboarding to the wonderful world of faster reading.
  • An insightful deep dive into Instagram's refreshed brand identity from the folks that did the work.
  • Googles unveils its answer to DALL-E. Imagen is now available to the public!

Tech of the week

  • If you think tech news is boring, here's a sleeping pill for you. Vercel is a platform for frontend frameworks and static sites, built to integrate with your headless content, commerce, or database. Surely, one of the most fun companies in the world. Here with some news though, their newly launched RFC promises to be the biggest update to Next.js since it was launched.
  • Another common theme on this journal is stuff that'll make you more efficient. Playwright is your one-stop-shop for end-to-end testing of modern web apps.
  • Preflight automates web testing without code.
  • Laravel Dusk provides an expressive, easy-to-use browser automation and testing API.
  • PlanetScale launch week! We're quite intrigued by Portals, solving something that's been very complicated up until now. Deploy data where it's users are. And Insights give you a faster way to debug and monitor database queries.