Feed Weekly #185

Feed weekly januar 20, 2023

Blowing flames in the face of writers block, this collective have collected links this week and found time to share them with you, our dear readers Petter and Mr. W. Without further ado, consider yourselves served with things that might be useful and/or interesting if you're somewhat like us. That's promising a lot without promising anything.

Reading list

  • This sucks. Now, our preferred coffee brewing method is pour over and traditional filtered. Which is the method with highest carbon footprint, at least according to this study. You don't want to know what's the most environmentally friendly, but we'll say it anyway. Numero uno is instant coffee, and three on the list is capsules. Basically, the list is flipped upside down of the trends.
  • The Anek variable font covers the needs of multilingual India, covering 9 languages spanning from English to Hindi and Marathi, achieved through an impressive collaboration that took place during lock down. Read the case study and check out the swagger here.

Tech of the week

  • Remix is blasting the interwebs with a shit ton of new features. Pardon our language, but we just don't allow backspacing in our copy department on Fridays.
  • Prisma's Accelerate opens its early access. Up to a thousand times faster database queries is a bold promise, but one we like because it's not quantified in seconds. Long time (pun intended) readers will know that we keep tabs on those promises whenever the tools we use makes claims about saved time etc, and we're currently actually making time for each task we do. Which means that even x1000 faster queries is a bottle neck. Come on, work harder Prisma.
  • A how-to from our favourite smartypant Ida Aalen. This in in Norwegian though, so we'll switch til norsk. Her er hvordan man kan automatisk transkribere intervjuer uten personvernfeller eller en krone i budsjett. Rimelig rått.
  • And we're back. But the donor of this last link is out of sight and it's getting late and this copywriter can't make sense of anything anymore. So this one is for you to process and distill. It's from Interval, the fearless frontendless framework for high growth companies, and it is brilliant enough to make our list for some reason.
