Feed Weekly #186

Feed weekly februar 03, 2023

You should move your weekly internal meeting from Monday to Friday and see what happens. You don't need a reason, just do it because you can. It's not better, or worse. It's just Friday, and we connect over a bunch of links to useful and/or interesting things we've stumbled upon over the week.

Reading list

  • Who knew you could spend a week learning about images online. Here's a good source of knowledge on the theme, courtesy of Web.dev.
  • So much talk, money, work and effort goes data security. Then, someone finds a file named "No Fly List" openly available on an airline site. It's one of the most sensitive U.S. government documents there is, and facepalms can be here in unison all across the globe. Oh the humanity.
  • Oh yes, this CEO has cracked the code. Mansplaining can be used for good. It's a good vessel to reach the across the table in explaining everything you need to know in order to attract female devs (in Norwegian).

Disclaimer: a bunch of our designers are at

Tech of the week
