Feed Weekly #213 and #214

Feed weekly september 15, 2023

Introducing Happyhour, when we bundle two weeks worth of link into one post. The blame goes to horrific work ethics in our internal content team last week. Apologies to our four regular readers, you know who you are.

Reading list

If real life was like a Vercel Engineering article. Here's an excellent read on just why all application migrations should be incremental.

The Norwegian <s>Oil<s> Pension Fund has one task, and one alone: to be profitable. It owns an average of 1.5% of every listed company on the planet, and has traditionally taken a very quiet and back seat position in the daily goings on within those companies. Often critiqued for a lack of political, geopolitical or even ethical considerations, it is now trying to leverage it's heft on making companies more responsible in their use of AI, likening the overall status much like the after thought of cyber security. The Fund CEO lists three vital topics in this FT article.

Design of the week

  • Not entirely sure how this is massively relevant to Design, tech, or anything we do on a daily basis around the office, but that shouldn't stop you from learning a few knots over at "Animated Knots". It could be argued that the animations lack a lot to be desired, but who here has a patent pending way of making knot animations any other way. It could even be claimed that this site could very well be 100 times better in every way, but hey, you're going to learn some knots if you check it out.

Tech of the week

Falcon 180B is out over at Hugging Face. While hard to quantify or say certainly, it's widely recognised to be at the very top of natural language models, on par with PaLM-2 Large, and certainly the largest openly available LLM at that.

You know those rapid response security updates you sometimes see as X.X.1 updates on your devices? Here's a little back story on why one such update was sped through the iOS update channels about a week ago. It had to do with a an actively exploited zero-click vulnerability in iOS 16.6, meaning it required NO user input to place mercenary spyware on your device. Yeah, it's a froggy world out there.

Fans of new ways to learn, we really appreciated React.gg by ui.dev.

Guthib. And just like that, auto completion in your browser address bar might be as damaged as ours.