Feed Weekly #227

Feed weekly desember 22, 2023

The week is the new weekend, guys. Backspace is taking the rear seat today, so we'll just let that stand. Like everyone else, we're about to call it a year, but lets look at some current affairs in the cross section of design and tech first.

Tech of the week

  • Google keeps talking about loading speed thresholds that supposedly influence the SEO algorithms. SpeedCurve kind of debunks this, claiming speed has little or no consequence.
  • On the topic of SEO, Google is struggling with a new scheme known as "SEO heists", a method for cloning sites entirely in order to steal it's SEO deliciousness (paid).
  • Meta has an interesting deep dive in the infrastructural engineering behind Threads. Just the shear volume this service garnered over such a short time naturally posed some challenges.