Feed Weekly #236

Feed weekly mars 01, 2024

Hey, we're happy to announce that the internet is unusually mundane this week and it feels great. But we've done our best to find something worth reading in the cross section of design and tech.

Reading list

  • It's been a minute since anyone afforded MVP any polish. The methodology has remained dormant and loosing ground because of the disconnect between how great it sounds and how it actually works IRL. Perhaps it's time to reshape it a bit, based on the learning it's supposed to promote? That's what Linear is trying to do here.
  • Many know and love Muse, the canvas-based thinking tool for iPad and Mac. But despite its promise, and really good value offering, it seems Muse never has been able to find an applicable business model. While not rare, it's perhaps not as common to get a chance to read the insights of what's been going on from one of the people who should know, namely cofounder Adam Wiggins.

Design of the week

  • Metalab, an interface hero, has recently updated their homepage. As far as self bragging goes, it has a few really sweet interactions, especially on mobile.
  • Vercel Ship, the annual conference on front end cloud advancements are issuing tickets now, and has an a-okay site. If you sign up though, you can enjoy a very impressive and playful lanyard badge.

Tech of the week

  • WebPerf Snippets allows you to paste snippets in your browser, and will in turn provide you a shortcut to CLS'es. Very useful.
  • JavaScript Bloat 2024! This developer is comparing the size of JavaScript downloads you get from your favourite pages and services.